Style frames and Storyboards Collection

An updating collection of style frames and storyboards (used and unused) that I’ve designed and created for various projects, e.g., films, concept, installations, interactive, and creative proposals, etc.


02. Making The Met: 1870-2020

A creative proposal for creating two narrative films for the upcoming “Making the Met” exhibition, to highlight the story of the Museum’s architectural evolution for the last 150 years.

I worked with Art Director at Squint/Opera to develop concepts, storyboards, and style frames for the two films. The whole process took 2 days, and the proposal was selected and approved by The Met.

Final Film: Making the Met linked ->

02. Urban Playground Projection at Willis Tower

Urban Playground is an animated media wall projection piece that aims to use fun low-poly 3D to introduce the culture, architecture, art, people’s lifestyle, and so on aspects of Chicago to visitors at the Willis Tower.

Willis Tower Project link ->

03. Train Exhibit at Willis Tower

The Train is an exhibit at Willis Tower where the whole exhibit is decorated like a Chicago city train with windows of digital screens that use semi-3D collage styles to showcase the most exciting venues in Chicago to visitors.

Willis Tower Project link ->

04. Empire State Building 102th Floor Promotion Film

To create a film to promote the 102nd floor of Empire State Building and its expansive floor-to-ceiling 360 views, to be displayed on all Digital Wayfinding kiosks in the up queue, from the screens in the 1st-floor lobby to the 80th floor. 

Motion Test

Motion Test

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